My Story
Why do I do this? Well, that’s actually changed a bit since I first started with Scentsy.
My "Scentsy Story" started back in 2016 when I tore the ACL and Meniscus in my right knee. I was almost 300 lbs at that time and trying to recover from the extensive knee surgery and do physical therapy at that weight was going incredibly slowly... it felt impossible! I decided to make a change and get the weight off... It was a big, scary decision, but I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy. I was down over 100 lbs since my weight loss surgery and felt incredible, but at that point (about when I joined Scentsy back in 2018) I wanted to save up for a skin removal surgery and just wanted a little extra money coming in to be able to do that.
But honestly… my “why” has changed since then. I’m no longer yearning for that skin removal surgery. I’ve become more comfortable in my own skin. Now… I’ve enjoyed being a Scentsy consultant so much and have found success at it, that my why is now to spoil my family with all the little extras that Scentsy affords us. I have used my Scentsy paycheck to pay for the kids sports, for camps, to get our hot tub back up & running and most recently to spoil my husband and I with the NFL Sunday Ticket so we can watch our favorite football team play (they’re not local to us). Seems like little things, but isn’t it the little things that really matter most?!
Now I enjoy this so much that I actually have GOALS! There are two things I want to make happen… I’d like to promote to Director and have my own Scentsy Team and I’d also like to earn a trip. I know I can do this and appreciate all of your support so much! Thank you!!
Tanya Milbrodt
Independent Scentsy Consultant
(425) 471-2499
@betteroffwickless on Facebook
Toncakes on Instagram
BetteroffWickless on YouTube